My favorite trainings are the ones with fidgets, pipe cleaners, and coloring pages on the tables. I won’t pass up the little snacks either. About an hour into training, sometimes sooner rather than later, my mind starts drifting. I become more distracted. As the training goes on you will see people on their phones or having side conversations. I find it interesting that adults can be so accommodating for other adults, yet children are expected to sit quietly. For the children who struggle, the expectation is that they should just get it together without the same supports we are allowed. Most adults can’t go 10 minutes without getting distracted and checking their phone. We have now entered the world of virtual learning which makes it even more difficult to stay focused and on task. Many parents report that their children are struggling to focus, and their level of frustration is elevated. I propose the use of a break box or calm down box. The break box can be placed by their work area, so you or your child can pull out an item of choice when distraction and restlessness sets in.
Break Box items you can add to your child’s and your work space
1. Putty
2. Bumpy gel cushion
3. Weighted lap pad (you can use a weighted heating pad)
4. Little vibrating massager
5. White erase board
6. Fidget spinner or finger fidget
7. Pipe cleaners
8. Stress ball
9. Zones of regulation chart
10. Calm down choice cards
11. Resistance band to put on legs of chair