Easy Pickin’s Corner is Now Open!

We are excited to announce the opening of Easy Pickin’s Corner with the Family Support Center of Southern Maryland! We invite the community to come and utilize this area by shopping and donating items. We accept gently used clothing, non-perishable food, household items, toys, monetary donations, and more!

Easy Pickin’s Corner is run by Family Support Center of Southern Maryland

The Family Support Center of Southern Maryland is a child-centered, family-focused program that serves families with their children ages birth through 4 years while strengthening their dynamic through family interactions, being a link to services, parental self-support, and establishing wholesome connections.

Located inside
The Promise Resource Center
8395 Old Leonardtown Rd
Hughesville, MD

Shopping & Donation Hours
Monday – Thursday
9 am -12 pm and 2- 4 pm

Send an email to familysupportsomd@thepromisecenter.org

Now Available!
Donation bin at the main entrance for after-hours donations during the week!

Monetary Donations Welcome!
Please use this link

Want to enroll your family with the Family Support Center?
Click Here

Interested in taking a tour?
Send an email to familysupportsomd@thepromisecenter.org