About Us
Serving the Southern Maryland community for over 40 years.
Serving the Southern Maryland community for over 40 years.
Our core purpose is to help provide a PROMISE of a brighter future for children by educating and supporting their parents and caregivers.
Helping a child tomorrow with what you learn today.
With 40 years of service to Southern Maryland, we have long been the leading provider of training, resources, and certification for those who care for children in the tri-county area (Calvert, Charles, and St. Mary’s). We provide various resources to support parents, grandparents, foster parents, and licensed family and center child care providers.
The Promise Resource Center is a member agency of the Maryland Childcare Resource Network with funding provided by the Maryland State Department of Education through the Maryland Family Network. Have questions about how we can help you or someone you know? Call 240-528-2288