Members receive discounts, coupons, and free trainings!
Our Members receive special discounted pricing on most of our training, as well as coupons and discounts towards our Resource Store. Your $10 Individual Membership or $25 Center Membership can pay for itself with just one use!
In addition, Members can earn one free class after attending five paid classes! Members receive a Loyalty Card that can be used to keep track of how many classes they’ve earned toward the free class.
Money raised through Membership to our agency goes to support our Informal Caregivers and Grandparents as Caregivers programs. The goal of these programs is to improve children’s school readiness skills, so they are better prepared for success. Through these programs, caregivers receive a free packet of learning games and activity materials for children ages birth through seven that focus on building early learning, social emotional and literacy skills.
To become a member, call us at 240-528-2288.