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3 Item Crafts

Colorful Butterflies Use coffee filters, food coloring, and pipe cleaners to create colorful butterflies. Open the coffee filter, drop some food coloring on the coffee filters (optional: use a little bit of water if you want to spread the food coloring), pinch in the center, and use the pipe cleaners to wrap around the center […]

Dinosaur Paint and Bath

It is one of those weeks where I am feeling a little burned out with adulting in general. Momma needs a hiatus. It’s Friday, and I just wanted something to occupy my toddler for a while. I looked outside on our deck, and I saw an invasion of dinosaurs and sea creatures strewn about. Ha! […]

Embracing Big Emotions

During early childhood, children begin to learn all about emotions and how to cope with those emotions. When I was teaching, the most common situation I encountered in my classroom was teaching children to cope with big emotions. Big emotions are feelings that swell up and burst in a nanosecond, like an old cartoon water […]

Age Appropriate Chores

Children can help with chores around the house at nearly any age. Below is a list of chores broken down by age appropriateness. This list gives some good insight on how much responsibility you can bestow on your children as they get older. Can’t get your children to comply and do chores? Create a chore […]

Celebrating Differences: Young Children’s Development of a Sense of Self

As many will often here me say, Social/Emotional Development is the foundation for all learning. This is an area of development that we, as early childhood professionals and parents, should help children develop fully to support other areas of learning. Social/Emotional Development focuses on several key areas: · Self-Concept · Self-Control · Approaches to Learning […]